In this self-directed video series, you and I will each design a set of icons for a video game. Though I’ll explain my personal process and methods, it’s not about copying my design - the focus is your project.
Icons and ‘user interface’ are often overlooked by aspiring concept artists. You’re a painter, not a graphic designer… right? Wrong. Graphic design is a crucial part of any designer’s tool kit - and is a lot more fun than you’d expect. But this isn’t a Photoshop tutorial. Instead, I’ll provide a design challenge for both of us to tackle, and then document my progress. It starts with research and sketching, as well as digital painting. Then we go above and beyond the initial assignment, discussing typography, HUDs, and a variety of other interface topics. All along the way I keep the focus on you, not me. We’ll be discussing how your approach might differ, and what strategies you might use in future portfolio pieces. Let’s design some game icons!
Watch the video preview here.
Runtime: 68 Minutes (Digital Download)
- Intro and Visual Research
- Creating the Icons
- Interface Design Experiments
- Layer Styles Demo
- Final Artwork