In this self-directed video series, you and I will each embark on a massive concept art project. Combining creatures, landscape, typography, and props, we’ll flesh out an imaginary game space. Though I’ll explain my personal process and methods, it’s not about copying my design - the focus is your project.
If you’ve purchased any of the other portfolio builders, consider this the ‘final exam’. Don’t expect a painting tutorial. Instead, I’m providing the structure for you to embark on a huge personal project. The videos explore my approach, from initial planning through final execution. This demonstration covers both theory and technique - but the focus is on you, not me. We’ll be discussing how your approach might differ, and what strategies might make your project truly special. If you’re ready for a concept art adventure, let’s design a world!
Watch the video preview here.
Runtime: 67 Minutes (Digital Download)
- The Assignment
- Setting the Stage
- Sketching the Key Art
- Refining the Key Art
- Pattern Design
- Functional Details
- Creatures
- Landscape
- Text and Design
- Closing Thoughts